Saturday, February 1, 2014

Portuguese knitting

Since last September I have been working full time, although in this school year I am not teaching, but representing the Ministry of Education in our local council in the Commission of Protection for Children and Young People at Risk. It is emotionally demanding, but it is something that really touches my heart. I was already in the Commission at the time of my heart attack, followed by the heart operation. Now I get easily very tired, but I am coping with it.

For all I said I have not been cross stitching as it strains me more, but have been doing some knitting, as I always need to have some handwork ongoing to relax.

This photo shows how we, Portuguese, knit. We work with the thread either around our necks or hanging from a pin.

I have already knitted a baby's coat for the baby of a friend of ours, but unfortunately I didn´t  take any photos.

I also knitted 2 scarves for me and asked my girls to model them, so that I could show them to you.

My baby Josephine didn´t mind at all, but Georgina says modelling it's not her thing...



Now I'm knitting a poncho, made out of 2 rectangles.

 I will show you how it turns out when finished.

Until then, I wish you all the best and if you come by, please, leave a comment.


Margaret said...

I'm sorry to hear of your health. I hope you are doing ok. I love seeing how you knit-- so interesting! Beautiful projects, and beautiful models as well!

Annette said...

Hope you doing better soon.
It's looking beautifull.
here we call them roundknitting

Sara said...

Desejo que tenhas umas melhoras rápidas :) E que a recuperação seja rápida. As modelos estão muito bem nas fotos e os projectos são muito giros.
Também é assim que eu sei tricotar, ensinada pela minha mãe, tentei fazer à moda inglesa quando decidi relembrar como se fazia trico à 1 ou 2 anos atrás mas desisti porque não conseguia apanhar o jeito, tive que pedir à minha mãe para me mostrar novamente :)
Fico à espera de ver o poncho completo, adoro a cor escolhida.

Carol said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your heart attack, Christina--hopefully, the operation has fixed the problem. My mom had a heart attack at age 69 and it took her a few years to get back to her normal energy level. Today, at 86, she is lively and happy :) Best of luck to you... So glad your lovely knitting provides some comfort and relaxation!